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Hey There!
This website is maintained and provided
by the Elk Run Homeowners Association
for Divisions 3 and 5.
PLEASE NOTE: There are 5 divisions of the
Elk Run HOA.
We are combined with 3 and 5.
Our homes are located on these streets only:
SE 277th Pl,
SE 279th St,
226th Ct SE,
227th Ct SE
We hope to inform our neighbors that
live within our HOA boundaries
of the current and past events
as well as provide a way to communicate
with the HOA Board of Volunteers.
There is also helpful info for potential
homebuyers who are considering a
move into our neighborhood!
Thanks for Visiting!
Join our neighborhood on Next-door!
Click on the green button above to find us.
Download the App or find us on the web
to communicate with neighbors
in a private forum or you can join
on the internet.
We have a private group for
Elk Run Div. 3 & 5. Ask to be added!
Join our private neighborhood
facebook group.
Only owners will be added
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